Delivery Time
Most orders are shipped within 1-2 business days from the date the order was placed.
Some orders are shipped direct from other manufacturers and may be delayed in their shipping process.
Custom products or specialty items that are made to order may also require additional lead time for delivery depending on the production schedule. Lead time for custom orders varies from 3-5 business days.
Please verify your shipping address before you submit your order to ensure the quickest possible delivery.
Some shipping quotes given online are not necessarily accurate and may need to be recalculated manually. In the event of any additional shipping charges or alterations to your shipping total, your invoice will be adjusted and you will be charged accordingly.
Shipping Methods
For most orders, we ship using UPS, Ground Service. Common Carrier transportation may be required for domestic shipments which are oversized, overweight, or need some type of special handling.
All shipments are FOB from Grandview, MO. If you choose to ship collect there will be an additional handling fee added to the invoice.
Shipping Specials
On occasion, Pro’s Choice Printing Inc. may offer shipping promotions, such as free or discounted shipping. Whether immediately stated or not, these specials are only available within the contiguous 48 states and always exclude Hawaii, Alaska, and any of the US territories outside the continental United States.
If you wish to contact us with any further questions, comments, or concerns, please do so at the email listed below.